Saturday, April 30, 2011

Clamshells, month 11!

The sun is coming up on what looks to be a beautiful Spring day.  It's been nearly a year since I started making my clamshell quilt with the Clamshell Club.  Think I'll finish by Year Two?  It's about 40" long now, not so far to go!
I know Winter is not so severe here compared to other places in the world, but it felt very long indeed, and a sunny, mild day is enough to bring a silly grin to my face.  The Hellebores are mostly done now... 

as are the tulips.

But there are many other pleasures right behind them!  I haven't photographed the asparagus (have you ever seen it in a garden?  It's not ... pretty) but we had the first of the season with last night's dinner and that's a hedonistic pleasure indeed.  And the rhubarb is coming up too!  You've heard me spout this before, but if you garden, you must have perennial vegetables!  There are few finer things on this Earth than perennials you can eat.

In other quilty news, I finished my top for Konda's Layer Cake Quiltalong!  I love Jane Sassaman's fabrics (this is her Sunshine and Shadow line), but they don't play nice with others!  I was having a heckuva time figuring out the sashing and border; Hubby suggested the tomato red.  Even when I stood there poring over the color card I never considered red; he pointed it out right away.  Thanks hon, ya done good.


  1. Wow, your clamshell quilt is fabulous!! My flowers are starting to bloom too. Very exciting!! I haven't forgotten about the stripes. E-mail me your address again and I will get them to you next week.

  2. I've enjoyed watching the progress of your clamshell quilt. It's definitely a project that requires dedication!

  3. You are still doing great with your clamshells Sally. The top steadily grows and looks beautiful.
    You can feel your energy coming back now that spring has arrived. We habe had the most wonderful spring weather for two months now with only two rainy days. We could do with some water though.

  4. Your clamshell quilt is very pretty! How large are you planning to make it?

    The spring photos are also lovely. After a long winter, flowers and blooming bushes are very welcome. Our weather can't decide if its winter, spring or summer but most of all, we need rain.

  5. Wonderful finished quilt top and excellent progress on your clamshell quilt. It was a bad clamshell month for me and very little progress was made. In fact, very little quilting progress at all in April.

  6. Your clamshell quilt is going to be wonderful.
    The lovely spring flowers are always a delight to see!
