Thursday, March 31, 2011

Clamshells update

Time for my monthly Clamshell Club update! 

Three rows this month. I waited for the skies to clear, but April showers have arrived early - and now they're mixing with snow!   So, you get an on-the-couch photo:

It's slow going, but at least it's starting to resemble a quilt!
And, because I can't let Spring arrive without a photo of my lovely little Pulmonarias - don't they make a perfect nosegay?

This is the first year I've had Hellebore; it reminds me of Audrey Two from Little Shop of Horrors (the remake).  Look at that sassy tilt to the stem!  I will definitely buy more this year, so that next Spring I can have several of these interesting blooms.  Even the daffodils are still just buds, but this is blooming so prettily!


  1. Your clamshell top is growing steadily. It looks great Sally.
    Lovely spring flowers in your garden.

  2. Beautiful flowers, two of my favourites. And, your clamshell quilt is growing beautifully! The couch will soon be covered.

  3. Your quilt is looking great. You must be very pleased with it.
    I now know the name of some flowers in my garden thanks to you, Pulmonaria. I was wondering what they were. Thanks.

  4. Your quilt is looking wonderful. I love your flower picks too.
